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<Yo-Yo Ma & Friends: Songs of Joy & Peace> 這是2008年底馬友友新發行一張應景專輯,透過與不同樂器的合作,將熟悉的聖誕及新年名曲改編,讓他的大提琴音融入各種樂器及曲調中包括宗教、流行、傳統歌謠,爵士等。


強力推薦專輯中由葛來美獎爵士歌后Diana Krall演唱的 You Couldn’t Be Cuter,這首歌改編自1938年電影Joy of Living中的插曲;Diana Krall接到馬友友的邀約要演唱此曲時,覺得對她意義非凡,因她有一對一歲半的雙胞胎兒子,這首歌正符合她的心境。Diana Krall以低沉雌性的嗓音,詮釋這首<俏皮可愛版>You Couldn’t Be Cuter真是恰如其分。

錄音演唱版 Click



另推薦一首改編自Beatles “Here Comes The Sun,由James Taylor重新詮釋,有<暖暖冬陽版>的感覺。

You Couldn’t Be Cuter

You couldn't be cuter

Plus that you couldn't be smarter

Plus that intelligent face you have

A disgraceful charm for me.


You couldn't be keener,

You look so fresh from the cleaner,

You are the little grand slam

I'll bring to my family.


My ma will show you an album

Of me that will bore you to tears!

And you'll attract all the relatives

We have dodged for years and years.


And what'll they tell me?

Exactly what'll they tell me?

They'll say you couldn't be nicer,

Couldn't be sweeter, couldn't be better,

Couldn't be smoother, couldn't be cuter,

Baby, than you are!



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